Thursday, 20 October 2011

Decoupage using inkjet printed tissue experience

Well...I'm not sure...
Printing on the tissue paper is quite tricky...The ink bleeds a bit... so I'm not happy really...will need to think about something else....
I was making pictures throughout the whole process, will upload them while my disks are drying up...
By the way, does anyone know how long it takes for the PVA glue to get completely dry?

Ok, the pictures......
What I've done was
1) I've cut the tissue paper to a size slightly bigger then normal A4 paper
2) taped my tissue paper on to A4 paper using sealer tape
3) the printer I was using was the HP inkjet printer and
4) photo ink for best quality and water resistance

5) Printing the image on the tissue paper..
6) It didn't come out too bad, but I've noticed that the ink bled slightly :((( Not ideal :(
7) Then I've sprayed my image with acrylic sealer, stinky!!! I actually feel seek because it stank so chemical. Had to open all my windows.
8) Left the paper to dry. And made some polymer clay discs in the mean time.

9) Oh and...I've realised that I didn't have sircle cutter for polymer clay and I quickly made my own by cutting and shaping a foil tray :)
10) I've used the diy cutter to draw sircles on the tissue paper.
11) cut them out while the tissue paper was still attached to the normal paper.
12) my ready baked polymer clay discs :)

13, 14, 15) I've glued the tissue paper circles to my polymer clay base...

Now I'm waiting for them to dry...
Have I done everything right?
Not too sure......They look ok, but will the paper stay on? )))
Will seeeeeeee...

Decoupage using inkjet printed tissue paper...

Ok, I still don't know if I will be able to do it, but I have finally received all the stuff I need to try it out!
I've been discussing the idea with some lovely craftsforum people but nobody seam to have had an experience with printing image on tissuepaper with the inkjet printer and then using it for decoupage. So wish me good luck, I am going to try it today :)))