Monday 17 October 2011

Design Update

Yay! I've done it!
I am finally happy with my blog design! Loving it!
I have also learned how to follow other bloggers and how to leave comments today :))))
But OMG it is now 2 o'clock in the morning and I need to wake up at 7 to get Mimi ready for preschool. Think I will regret staying up so late......I'm actually quite looking forward to half term next week! we will sleep, sleep, sleep as long as we want! lol

Christmas Charm Bracelet

Hi, All!

I have just set my oven on fire while baking my fimo
it's never happened before...think I've placed the tray to high today and the baking paper cought the fire. Was scary!!! I've panicked and couldn't think what to do, luckily my hubby was quick enough and even managed to save my beads. Oh dear...will keep my dreams about lampworking to myself for a dangerous.

Oh, and I need some help with this blog!!! I'm trying very hard to figure out how to use it but it's not working out :(
How do I follow other bloggers? Please help :)))

Anyway...will show you the new Christmas Charm Bracelet I've made last week..:) It's very simple but I love simple things :) Hope you like it too... This european bracelet's got silver plated snap clasp and comes with safety chain. Beads are made from red and green fimo polymer clay and gold leaf, completed with 925 stamped silver plated double cores. listed for sale at